Digital Citizenship
Classroom Technology Rules
Classroom Technology Rules
As technology becomes a bigger part of every classroom, it is important to have a set of classroom rules specifically for the use of technology. The main goal of having these rules is to keep students safe and keep technology devices in good condition. Since every classroom is different and each classroom has access to different forms of technology, there is no one set of classroom technology rules. Below is a table of general guidelines to help teachers make rules.
Internet Resources:
Digital Safety: Computer Rules Prevent Problems-
The 7 Golden Rules for Using Technology at School
Practical Guidelines for Using Technology in the Classroom

Chaves, E. (2014, February 20). Computer Rules. [YouTube Video.] Retrieved from: https://youtu.be/VuKmKH5vj_s
"Digital Classroom Resources". (2013). Retrieved 19August2015 from http://www.weareteachers.com/lessons-resources/the-digital-classroom-lessons-and-resources
Dixon, T. (2013). "Setting clear guidelines for Ipad usage in the classroom". Retrieved 19August2015 from http://www.teachingspecialthinkers.com/2013/07/be-proactive-setting-clear-guidelines.html