Digital Citizenship
Technology Use Policy
Technology Use Policy
Our school system realizes how important technology is in our society. We believe that all students should have access to various technologies during the school day if good digital citizenship is demonstrated by the student. Teachers are encouraged to offer a multitude of digital platforms to introduce, reinforce, review and assess coursework according to state and federal standards. We want our students to be familiar with current uses and trends in the digital world, but as we know, not all uses and trends are appropriate.
The following sections outline our school-system wide policy concerning the purpose of using technology; both appropriate and inappropriate use guidelines, disciplinary actions for misuse, and student/parental responsibilities.
Please read the sections below and discuss them with your child. All students must return the attached form with signatures from parents or legal guardians, as well as their signature, in which they agree to follow all guidelines listed in the agreement.
Section 1. Purpose of Technology Access
Fluency in technological applications is required to be competitive in education and society. Our school system encourages the implementation of regular technology use in the curriculum. By providing these opportunities to our teachers and students, the classroom expands past the walls of the school and reaches almost limitless global reach. It is our goal to provide and enhance safe, effective educational development for all learners.
Section 2. Opportunity/Risks
Our school is committed to providing safe, effective opportunities to learn, engage, communicate and develop skills needed to succeed in school, work, life and citizenship. Educators are committed to assist students in acquiring the 21st Century communication and technology skills required today. Although we strive to protect our students from inappropriate websites and materials on the Internet, no system is foolproof. We cannot be responsible for any harm or damages resulting from the use of our technologies. As presented below, students must agree to report immediately, any inappropriate content or concerns pertaining to internet safety or security to their teacher, administration or technology specialist.
Section 3. General Policy /Violations/Disciplinary Actions
Below is a list of guidelines concerning the use of technology resources in the school system, violations to the policy, and disciplinary actions implemented if technology misuse is observed.
The use of technology in school is intended for educational purposes only.
Teachers and school personnel may review any material sent, received, accessed or stored through our provided technology resources. Internet use will be monitored and filtered in compliance with the federal regulations such as the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (FCC,2010).
Teachers and school personnel may remove any technology or internet content deemed inappropriate, harmful, obscene or questionable as deemed necessary.
Students are expected to use the same good citizenship behavior during technology use as expected in the normal classroom communication.
Our school system accepts no liability for student-owned technology equipment used on campus.
School administrators have the final say in possible violations to the Acceptable Use Policy. Violations include but are not limited to all points listed below:
Acceptable Use Policy
Students will use technology in a safe, responsible manner.
Students will report to a teacher or other school personnel any incidence of inappropriate use, obscene material, unlawful, harassing or unsafe technology behaviors as seen by self or of others.
Students are to ask for help if unsure of instructions.
Students are not to give their name, picture, address, phone number or any information pertaining to the school out on the internet.
Students will take care of the physical condition of the technology equipment used. If damage or noticeable malfunctions are apparent, students must report their findings to the teacher.
Students who misuse the school technology devices provided may forfeit use of the service.
The availability and use of technology within the school system is a privilege, and not a right to students. If administrators rule actions by any student are not in compliance of these rules, the student may be disqualified and prohibited to use technology and Internet provided by the school system.
Violations may result in the loss of access as well as disciplinary and/or legal actions.
Section 4. Parent/Student Agreement
To use the technology provided by our school system, all students (unless over 18 years of age) and parents must read and sign and return this form to the school to be put into their school file.
As a student of the school system, I hereby declare that I have read all procedures, policies and expectations above concerning the acceptable use of technology and will honor all laws and restrictions.
(Initial one or both lines and sign)
____ I agree to use the technology and network responsibly and within the guidelines of Acceptable use as listed above.
_____I give permission to have my school work and or pictures published to the World Wide Web.
Signature_______________________________________________ Date___________
As the parent or guardian of _______________________________________ (Student), I acknowledge and agree to all the policies and procedures concerning technology resources use, care and responsibilities. Although the school system takes all measures to prevent inappropriate and objectionable materials from being accessed by students, I will provide guidance for responsible and appropriate internet use with my child when selecting, sharing or exploring media.
(Initial one or both lines and sign)
_____My child has permission to access the Internet and e-mail
_____My child may have his/her work/pictures published to the World Wide Web without identifying personal information
Signature______________________________________ Date___________
Student Name________________________________________________
Teacher _____________________________Grade ________
Federal Communications Commission. (Oct 2016). Children’s Internet Protection Act. Retrieved from URL https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/childrens-internet-protection-act