Digital Citizenship
Netiquette is respecting other users’ views and showing common courtesy when posting opinions to online discussion groups. The word netiquette is derived from merging the words internet and etiquette. Netiquette covers rules of behavior during discussion and
guidelines that reflect the different electronic natures. Netiquette usually is enforced by fellow users who are quick to point out violations
of netiquette rules. While online service providers,employers, and governments each encourage good internet behavior by punishing major
netiquette breaches, it is the individual users who play the biggest role in encouraging netiquette standards of politeness and courtesy. Netiquette breaches do not always bring justice. Most breaches of respect and courtesy may do no more than reflect poorly on the individual user. A person who understand the rules of netiquette may well have an advantage over one who does not.
There are a few basic rules for netiquette that include:
refrain from personal abuse
don’t spam
write clearly and neatly
remember that your posts are public
stay on topic
don't expect other people to do your homework for you,
do not post copyrighted material to which you do not own the rights, and the site's owner, perhaps assisted by one or more moderators, has the final say in enforcing the rules.
Because netiquette is about respect on the internet, it plays a major role in social networking and cyberbullying. Social networking has become one of the largest and most influential components of the internet. It is an online platform used to build social networks or social relationships. Cyberbullying is when children bully each other through electronic technology. When you put social networking and cyberbullying together it can cause serious issues. Many children today are exposed to social media at an early age. Social media gives children a platform to freely express themselves and display their thoughts, actions, and feelings all over the internet. Children and adults don’t realize the dangers that come from social media. Social media has caused many people to be bullied through the internet which is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can truly influence students and adults social and mental prosperity and scholastic accomplishments. People who are much of the time tormented and additionally the individuals who every now and again bully others, are more helpless against keen issues, including discouragement, self-destructive contemplations and practices, social segregation, and depression. Cyberbullying is destructive on the grounds that it can be seen by a greater group of onlookers. To learn about cyberbullying policies, visit: https://www.stopbullying.gov/laws/alabama.html
Cross, D., Lester, L., Barnes, A., Cardoso, P., & Hadwen, K. (2015). If it's about me, why do it
without me? genuine student engagement in school cyberbullying education.International Journal of Emotional Education,7(1), 35-51. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.uwa.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1680253143? accountid=14786
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2013). Netiquette: Rules of Behavior on the Internet.
Netiquette: Rules of Behavior on the Internet. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from https://www.education.com/reference/article/netiquette-rules behavior-internet/
Scheuermann, L., & Taylor, G. (1997). Netiquette.Internet Research,7(4), 269-273. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.uwa.edu:2048/login?url=htt//search.proquest.com/docview/219853714?accountid=14786
Team, WebWise.(2012). What is Netiquette. What is Netiquette. Retrieved May 19, 2017, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/about-netiquette